Norbert Knows IT

About me

Hello, and thank you for checking out my website. I graduated with a Bachelors of Arts from Lebanon Valley College back in 2020. The wonder years... And I had not found much work in my degree. Whenever I did, it came with a lot of complications and frustration. So I've started looking for different career paths.

At first I thought I wanted to do software engineering, because I loved to code and it felt natural to me. But everywhere I applied to required some sort of degree in Computer Science. No problem, I would just create a strong portfolio and share that with recruiters. Problem was, finding the right project, and motivating myself. So that path was essentially burnt out.

Then came the idea of IT. People have told me its easy to get into, just find a help desk position and I'm in! Not so easy! So I need to expand my general knowledge in IT. Hence where this blog comes in. I hope to document my journey through IT using this website I've created. So far I have had success launching the website, unless... its curerntly down...